For every homeowner or commercial property owner, paying your property tax bill annually is a requirement that you simply cannot avoid. Although tax dollars provide a basis for many valuable resources, no one wishes to pay more than their required amount. Once your property tax bill arrives, it is important for you to evaluate the amount due in order to verify that the amount seems reasonable. This is especially true if you reside in the state of Georgia, where you may see noticeable fluctuations in the amount due each year.
Lack of Georgia’s Assessment Cap
Property tax bills vary widely in the state of Georgia largely due to the fact that Georgia has no one-year market value cap. With this lack of Georgia’s assessment cap, property owners have typically noticed a rise is their taxes over the last few years. In addition, a tax law that has gone into effect since the inauguration of President Trump, places a $10,000 cap on all itemized deductions for state, local, and property taxes. For this reason, it is only beneficial for you to assess your own property taxes every year.
One way to ensure that you are being taxed correctly, is to determine if your property is in need of an updated tax assessment. If so, you may find that you qualify for a tax assessment reduction; therefore, leading to a property tax appeal.
Intimidated Filing Method
Property tax appeals can be a little complicated for some people. The proper procedures, paperwork, and filing method can be intimidating, especially for individuals who have not created an appeal before. If you fall into this category, of believing that your property tax bill is unduly inflated and you want to form an appeal, then you should contact a property tax consulting firm, such as ARE Solutions.
ARE Solutions Can Help
ARE Solutions employees are specialists in the residential and commercial property tax department. They are well-versed in the appeals process and can help you determine the accuracy of your bill. Furthermore, they perform the appeals process on a contingency basis, meaning that, besides a standard $25.00 filing fee per parcel of property, payment for their services are received only if the appeal(s) is a success. For many Georgian property owners, it is a win-win situation. ARE Solutions-Property Tax Consulting Firm has a distinguished history and rave reviews from previous clients. They strive to help people correct any misinterpretations that have occurred on their property tax bill.
Protect Tax in Georgia | ARE Solutions | ARE So…
3 years ago[…] It is important for you to evaluate the amount due in order to verify that the amount seems reasonable. ARE Solutions protect tax in Georgia. Call us today at (561) 203-2344 […]