Top-Rated Property Tax Consulting in Weston
Property values in Weston have been rising steadily for several years now. The property appraiser has the right to assess properties in Weston for 100% of market value. Property taxes have been increasing because the county has been raising their values due to rising real estate prices. County proposed values are generated using the mass appraisal system. There are sometimes inaccuracies with proposed property appraiser values, and it is important that property owners reach out to a property tax consultant like ARE Solutions if they feel that their county value could be incorrect.
Lower Property Tax in Weston
Proposed values are often posted online by the property appraiser early in the summer in Weston. June is the best time to contact me if you would like me to review your proposed county value for a potential property tax appeal and property tax reduction in Weston.
Weston Property Tax Appeal and Property Tax Reduction
TRIM notices are mailed out to owners in Weston in August with the appeal filing deadlines just a few short weeks after. Call or email me prior to the filing deadlines to look into whether or not your property qualifies for lower Weston property taxes.